and raised in the Okanagan valley of British Columbia, Angie Roth
McIntosh started out training to be a physician.
After her 2nd year of Medicine at the University of British Columbia,
was doing the summer Rural Doctor's program at the regional hospital in
Penticton and she spent a couple of days with the psych
patients who at the time were fortunate to have an art therapist.
Instead of staring at the patients as they worked, she picked up a
brush, and the path of her life changed. Although she didn't
paint anything really inspiring, the therapist asked her if she had any
interest in
painting. After thinking about it momentarily she replied, "I have
loved watercolors but had never imagined actually creating them
myself. How would I do this?". With suggestions to buy a
"how to" book at the local art supply shop she vigorously persued the
pleasure of her new found interest and had a
wonderful summer painting. Much to the shock of her family, in her seventh year of study at university following her childhood dream
of becoming a doctor, just five months
after she had picked up a paint brush, Angie left her training as a
doctor to follow her interest in painting.
She was voracious, reading every book on the subject she could
For her birthday, her boyfriend and future husband,
Dr.Robert McIntosh, surprised her with five art lessons with
local watercolorist
Lier Salter, which he purchased at a Lion's Club Dream Auction
Fundraiser. Angie was
delighted. This was the first time she had ever seen a real artist at
work. She
then took watercolor courses at the local college continuing education
department with Grant Willis and drawing with artist George Traicheff.
Angie was thrilled when she heard that famous painter,
Zoltan Szabo, was teaching a
workshop in Vancouver. Angie took the class and drooled over his
controlled watery
technique. But she was terrified--she didn't know how she would
ever do
this. But she persisted.

Soon after this she took a traditional
Chinese painting
workshop through the local Okanagan School of the Arts and after Angie
expressed disappointment in the modern art educaton available
then (1980's) at local art schools, the instructor, Vancouver
Chinese artist
Szeto, suggested she should study painting in China.
Several months
he invited Angie to join a group he was taking on a cultural art tour
China. One stroke of fate after another and she ended up studying
artists from the
Academy of Fine Arts in Bejing which still has a
at the old campus off of Wanfujing Street. Amazed to discover that they
have a strong traditional school of western realism watercolor and oil
painting based on the methods of the Academy of Fine Arts in Paris in
the 1940's with some post communism Russian influence with lots of
studio time, hours of life drawing, and study of the old masters' works,
Angie would learn alot about strong principals of design and color
theory. With an
amazing bit of luck she was organized to study with two remarkable
artists from the Central Institute,
Yan Feiyun and
Professor Wei, for three months, that summer in
1987 due to the kind attention of her soon to be dear friend from the
Central Institute, sculptor, singer, and writer,
Wu. After hours of watching Professor Wei work on a
of his niece in watercolor, she
finally thought, "oh he better put some blue under her eye". She
had been staring so deeply at his model for so long that finally her
eyes could see, see the way an artist does! This was another turning
point in Angie's life. She was on the road to being an artist. She made
wonderful friends and connections in
Returning home from her inspiring trip, armed with 1500 incredible
slides of an amazing country and it's remarkable people, Angie settled
to pursuing her painting. She continued to take workshops with some
wonderful artists,
Carol Orr out
of La Connor, Washington, and world famous
Tom Lynch.
Angie got married and two years after traveling to China and nine
months pregnant, Angie had her first
solo show at Leir House Cultural Centre, where she had a studio.
The centre was named for the family of her first painting instructor,
Lier Salter. Luckily she didn't have her dear daughter a few days
earlier or she
might have never moved down the road to being a serious working artist
as surely she would have been sidetracked by her delightful
children. Sadly, shortly after the first show, she lost track of
friends in China due to the Tianamen Square incident, which
occured just down the street from the old art school off of Wanfujing
Street. Two kids later and Angie was back at exhibitting her work
annual solo shows and group exhibits. She also organized exhibits
for artists at Leir House and was
invited to hold exhibits in local wineries. Angie was invited down to
the States be the feature artist at a wine tasting weekend at
Sun Mountain Lodge. She
helped organize a painting workshop in Mexico in 1999
taught by excellent Canadian artist,
Armstrong at her friend, artist
Yvonne Dubeau's
home in
They had alot of fun!

1999 Angie journeyed on her own to paint in gorgeous southern
and was pleased with the amount of work she got done as she had no
friends or family along for diversion. She
had fun working in her
sketchbook. In
2000 she was reunited with her dear Chinese friend,
Wu from China, after she learned, while browsing the
web, that his remarkable life story, "
In a Sparrow's Voice"
had finally
been published. Angie planned to organize cultural art tours and
painting workshops to China and was able to return to China in October
2000 to travel, paint, and be reunited with
Wu who had moved
from China to the USA and back again in the years that we had lost
touch. She developed an extensive website about her
art trips to China which were the precursor of
her new website, WorldArtTours.net. McIntosh worked for two
years to put together the China trip so that others could experience
China as she
had--travel, paint
and enjoy the scenery and remarkable culture in the amazing land.
Angie spent a great deal of time in 2001 teaching art to her son's
each week upon the invitation of his inspiring teacher, Mr. Rob
Tucker, who in a tremendous loss to his family
school, tragically passed away shortly thereafter. Angie taught
painting workshops at her daughter's french immersion school camp that
year as well. Teaching the kids was a highlight!
With good basic principals even children learn to be delightful
artists but Angie thinks that she learned even more from them and they
inspire her tremendously. Angie was so pleased when, in the
summer of
2001, she was invited to conduct a workshop on Teaching Art to
Children to the teachers at her son's school. Angie was extremely
busy in 2001 and 2002 lobbying the
of Penticton to modernize
their home business licencing bylaws so
that artists might be able to sell their works from their own home
studios. Happily for her and others who create
their own products, the zoning bylaws were amended and finally passed
in August of 2002. Angie wouldn't have to pay
fines for
selling her artwork from her own studio (although the publicity might
have been good).
2001 and 2002 became tremendously busy for Angie. She was
designing a
massive renovation to her home which happily was going to give her
family much needed space and Angie a much needed studio. It was
especially challenging because along with her interested in a
plant-based diet, Angie wanted to build her home using non-toxic
construction methods and this involved a fair amount of research.
Little did she know at the time how important having a non-toxic home
would become.

Angie's China art tours were becoming an
affair. Angie would journey with artists
Toby Pollock of
SanFrancisco and Nora Sanders of England to China in July 2002
and would be returning to China with a larger international
group in October. Art had enriched Angie's life in so many ways and she
wanted to share some of this with others. The
trip in July was almost as much out of a dream as the mountains poking
through the mist and clouds in China. They saw so many
wonderful places, met dear Chinese friends, and made new
friends. They experienced an amazing China and painted
alot. The group journeyed to parks and gardens, traveled to caves
down rivers on rafts. They travelled over back country roads and
saw incredible sights. It really was too good to be true when
the end of the trip Angie experienced a severe lifethreating reaction
multiple factors, which looking back, they figure must have occured due
a reaction to antimalarial medication. Angie almost scared
the life out of her group too and ended up in a Chinese hospital and
then a
foreign hospital where noone could figure out what was wrong with
her. Angie almost didn't make it home but luckily got
back to Canada and spent a few months recovering before returning to
China in October, with her own personal physician in tow (dear
husband Rob wouldn't let her travel alone).

They rendezvoused with their wonderful 15
person group in Beijing. But sadly, much to her husband's chagrin
as he
was really starting to enjoy the trip, after five days, Angie couldn't
tolerate the pollution in the air or the chemicals in the rooms, and
had to leave the delightful group in the very capable hands of their
professor Wu, artist and instructor, Professor Xia
and the guides from CITS (ChinaInternationTravelService). The
group were fantastic troopers carrying on without Angie and Rob but
Angie was terribly
disappointed to leave them. However she didn't want to cause them
any further
concerns. Local Penticton residents Cynthia Rouschorn and
Yvonne Dubeau returned with wonderful tales of the groups adventures.
Luckily when Angie returned home to Canada's clean air, and a
careful diet she
fully recovered and is in good health now. However she is
definitely wiser about the many chemicals that we encounter in
our lives at work, home, and play and wants to help educate
others on how to avoid
these as they really aren't good for anyone. Now Angie knows why
felt so ill when exposed to formaldehyde in the cadaver lab at medical
school!! Angie spent the rest of 2002 and 2003 working very hard
the general contractor, building their home using non-toxic
construction methods. The McIntosh Family moved on to the
deck of their house in June and
luckily were in their new home in time for cooler weather
and school in the fall of
2003. Their in-laws took them on a wonderful family reunion to
and whetted Angie's appetite to explore
north some more.

McIntosh family are settling into life in their renovated home.
Angie is delighted with her
spacious studio, although it is always in need of some organizing. In
January 2004 she ventured off to explore the lovely winter landscape in
northern BC and Alaska, visiting Stewart and Hyder. Angie also lived
out one of her lifetime dreams and found an old
foot Elite motorhome with large
picture windows that she can use as a mobile studio. It made for
some wonderful painting excursions, able to make her lunch, relax in
comfort, have tea whenever she felt like, not having to pack up when
is a
wonderful moody rainstorm. Angie was able to do some
fantastic short jaunts to the
Kootenays with her friend, artist, and
gallery owner Nel Witteman,
ended up returning for a little hotspring and caving trip with her
family. In the summer, Angie traveled up to
Canim Lake outside of
Mile House to camp for a few days and gather material for her paintings and
The children, finally old enough to get out and have fun on the water
spent a wonderful summer last year learning how to sail, wake-board and
water-ski. Angie managed to find to sneak away and paint with her
Frieda Coenraad and they traveled to
paint at Bromley Rock near
Princeton. Angie also journeyed up to
Salmon Arm to paint in the late summer and then went out in the
motorhome alot in the fall to paint at
one of her favorite spots up

Vaseux Lake near Blue Mountain Vineyards,
of Penticton. It was a
really busy year and in
October Rob and Angie took the family to a Nutrition Conference in Los
(that's her other life passion, sharing information about
healthy plant-based diets and the kids
got to work in a little visit to
Disneyland. In December Rob and Angie went to Montreal on a
trip. Although it was too rushed and too cold to paint on
location, Angie managed to get some lovely digital photos of the city
that she hopes to
paint some day.
The spring of 2005, Angie was busy painting, with alot of focus on the
landscape especially the Kootenays. She also
worked on some floral paintings and
has now
completed a detailed
canal scene from Zhouzhaung
in China. In 2005 she helped organize some parts of an excellent nutrition conference in Penticton
and was delighted to host world renowned physician and researcher,
Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Phd and
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., MD and their wives. At the end of the summer,
Angie returned to the north
and decided to take on a great project of creating
artist's retreat in Stewart, BC in the region
of the southern tip of the Alaskan panhandle as well as working to develop a project of
artists working to give back to the communities they visit and work in. This project
will keep her busy well in to 2006. She returned to Stewart at the end of January, 2006 with Frieda Coenraad to paint and make plans
for the retreat. There will be alot more on this later. Excitingly the
art studio in Penticton got its lovely French style wrought iron sign.
Angie has been devoting much of her time to developing this
website as she truly hopes to share her love and passion for art
and travel with others.
Click on the map to see original paintings
of that area by world artists