Starry, Starry Night 2009
Penticton Art Gallery's
32nd Annual Art Auction
Held on July 4th
Click Here to see
their poster
See Pictures of the
2009 Fundraiser HERE
Featuring over 120 items, this is
sure to be the gallery’s biggest and best auction ever! Artists
will be creating another masterpiece on site. The
event will be held in the gallery, the Japanese Gardens and Okanagan
Lake Park with dinner by Black Iron Grill and Steakhouse and musical
accompaniment by the Rob Dewar Trio. Auctioneer Doug Levis from Levis
Fine Arts in Calgary joins us again this year for an evening of brisk bidding on fabulous artwork
and unique packages. All artwork will be displayed in the gallery from
June 23. Tickets: $55 Gallery members $65 Non-members For further information please
contact the gallery at 250-493-2928. To see great pictures from
last year's festivities click here.
led a plein-aire  paint
out in May 2009 at the Meadowlark
Festival organized by
OSCA in the South Okanagan. Angie was once again  delighted
that ecologist,
writer, and philosopher Don Gayton agreed to explain the habitat,
biology and ecology of the White
Lake region south of  Penticton
to the group of artists who ended their day painting the hillside south
of Kaleden looking towards Okanagan Falls. A lovely
afternoon was
spent in the  sunshine
and Angie pretty much completed a fairly large acrylic that will just
need a few touchups back in the studio. The group was interested in
hearing about the
local grasslands and ponderosa pine forest and also 
about the role that artists might play to save and restore our natural
Artists wishing to help protect the fragile
Okanagan habitat are asked to join
Angie to discuss organizing a paintout during the 2010 Meadowlark
Festival. For more
information contact Angie.
En Plein Air is a French
expression which means "in the open air" and is particularly used to
describe the act of painting outdoors. Artists have long painted
outdoors but in the mid-19th century working in natural light became
particularly important to the painters of the Barbizon school and the
Impressionists. The introduction of paints being sold in tubes and the
"Box Easel", with its telescopic legs and built-in paint box and
palette made painting in oils truly portable. The ability for an artist
to take their studio out into the wilderness opened up infinite
possibilities and allowed artists to truly capture the spirit and mood
of the landscape. While this began to take firm root in Europe, here in Canada painters
like Paul Kane and the early C.P.R. painters began to take advantage of
this new found freedom and ventured into the uncharted landscape in
search of the unknown. The most famous advocates of this new found
freedom and the idea of painting en plein air were the members of the
Canadian Group of Seven and Tom Thomson who traveled out of the city in
search of the natural beauty of the landscape creating iconic paintings
which helped galvanize a sense of national identity. We are pleased to
offer this event as an introduction to painting en plein air and hope
that it will bring greater understanding and appreciation of this
tradition and in a small way strip away some of the mysteries behind
the creation of art.
See paintings from around the world by
clicking on our world map at the bottom of this page or going here.
You will see the
of other artists which are being added right now. Learn
where you can go to see
their work in real life.
See the work artists do while travelling or were
inspired to do when they got home. See works created
en plein air in the artists' own neighbourhoods or painted in their
studios. Artists please
contact McIntosh to submit your work.To see florals and garden
scenes painted by Angie McIntosh click here.
Artist Angie Roth
McIntosh has created notecards
from the images of many of the paintings you see on her website.
The cards and original paintings are for sale at her studio gallery at
3961 Lakeside Rd. Penticton
B.C. Studio discounted price for notecards are $3 each.
in a clear cellophane protective sleeve. They may be ordered and
shipped at your expense. Some of the paintings are also still
available for sale. Please
enquire by e-mail. Angie is also displaying her
northern paintings, cards, and small prints at the cute HarbourLight Store
on Main Street (5th Ave) in Stewart, BC. Angie's work
is now available at the George
Little House Gallery at the VIA Rail Station in
Terrace. There are also some of Angie's Kootenay
landscape paintings available at Halcyon Hotsprings,
Nakusp. Angie's notecards of the local region are available at
the Penticton
Winecountry Visitor Information Center, Cowpucchino's
Coffee Shop in Prince George and Heartstrings Gift Shop
in Smithers.
Check out
the great photos of some of the most
inspiring places to paint and travel in the world. You don't have
to leave
the comfort of your own home to go on our virtual tours. Enjoy
the treasures of the world when
you look at the photos of the wonderful places that artist Angie
McIntosh and others have visited and painted.
Artist Angie McIntosh has created a
simple rustic painting studio in an
old house in Stewart
which is near some of the most scenic
painting locations
of Western Canada and Alaska, in the
beautiful Pacific Northwest. In the summer
of 2008 artists from
all around gathered together to paint in this
amazing inspiring location and join McIntosh for a painting
retreat. Read about the first Bear
Festival in 2007. It is wonderful to be in the north in the summer and early fall to
paint. If you wish to
participate next year contact
. Remember the wonderful old days when Group
of Seven artists
each other on painting trips to the Canadian countreyside? Angie
also inspired
by walking through Renoir's home in southern France. The comraderie and
inspiration felt and created by the artists who met at Renoir's home
must have been amazing. Seeing the art works left in the rooms by
artist friends who would visit and paint moved her and so she is trying
to create a similar environment right here in northern BC. Click here to
learn about joining McIntosh as an artist in residence at her art retreat in Stewart, BC, in
northern Canada, minutes from Alaska.
Please note that the Art Retreat of the North is not
available for commercial rental or as a B&B--it is Angie's place of
art and
creativity. If you wish to work there or join other artists there
you must contact Angie first. Email or phone in Canada 250
Communities around the world are invited
to use this information to increase the connection between locals and
visiting artists.
Please visit the home pages of
creator Angie Roth McIntosh. Check
out her biography, stories of her journeys, and the galleries
of photos and paintings inspired by her wonderful home area and
incredible travels
around the world. Learn about friends she made
during her time studying art in China
her return trips back to this remarkable scenic country to
paint and to get to know wonderful people. Learn how she lived
her dream of taking other
artists to explore this picturesque country and how she has
discovered the painting beauty of France, Mexico and her own part of
the world in the Northwest of North America.
There are many great online learning
websites for painting and you should visit some of them. We have
and we've learned alot. Check out ours! Watercolour Lesson 1 and
Lesson 2 and Art
Lesson 3 which is about acrylic painting.
See which artists
inspired Angie.
Make sure you check out all of our interesting
activities for viewers and cultural visitors and submit your ideas. Where
is your
favorite painting location? Where is the most exciting place in
the world to paint? What was the most exciting painting trip or
workshop that you've been on? Who is your most inspiring
What is the most helpful artbook you've read? When did you
discover your
burning dream to paint? Submit paintings that you did around the
world so they can be linked to our interactive map. If you are part
of a group of Plein Air Painters that would like to
show painters from around the world where you like to paint in your
area please let us know.